...is finally here! We have rehearsed for four weeks now in the basement of the
new office building, and this week we move into the
Taft Theatre in downtown Cincinnati!
We are a bit farther away from the Taft than we've been in years past. While on paper this makes the transition more hectic, in reality we may actually be more prepared for the new space than in previous shows. The reason is that the new rehearsal space is closer to the dimensions of the Taft stage than the old space. So, in terms of blocking and stage position, the adjustment is smaller for us performers.
Today, however, is not about the performers. It's the performers' "dark day" this week, a day when the performers do not rehearse. However, the technicians, led by our stage manager Jenn Picone, have set aside the entire day for some intense work of their own: to load the set from the scene shop into the truck, to hang and focus lights, to move the set into the space, to transfer costumes from our rehearsal and costume rooms to the appropriate areas at the Taft,--and on and on, so that when the performers return tomorrow, everything will be set for our tech rehearsal.
Our thoughts and utmost gratitude to the technicians, designers, operators, directors and crews. We could not possibly do what we do if it were not for them doing what they do.
The first performance of
Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Jr., is this Friday, October 16, at 9:30 AM. We have to more shows that day as well, at 12:oo PM and 7:30 PM.
Saturday, October 17, is the date for the GALA, which will feature certain cast members in costume, milling about, posing for photos, etc. Some children from the STAR program this summer will help to cater the event.
For more information about tickets, shows, and the GALA, please visit our