Wednesday, December 16, 2009

In the New Year... is what's on our calendar for January (a busy, busy month):

- Jan. 5 - ArtReach returns to rehearsals for Harriet Tubman and the Train to Freedom and Hansel & Gretel, which tour from Jan. 25 - May 30, 2010. If you are interested in booking an ArtReach show to come to your school, community center or theatre, please contact Jen Scott, Business Manager for ArtReach, at 513.569.8080 x21 or

- Jan. 23 - STAR auditions for the 2010 summer program, training kids 9-18 in singing, dance and acting. If you would like to schedule an audition for your child, please contact Chris Stewart at 513.569.8080 x23 or

- Jan. 25 - Jack and the Beanstalk rehearsals begin. This is currently the best-selling show of the 2009-2010 TCTC season, and seats are going fast! Please click on the link to purchase tickets for the public shows, and to find out how to bring a class to our school shows, please take a look at our discounts for school matinees.


Holiday Follies wrapped up nicely with an eventful Sunday matinee. "Eventful," because of the hilarious prank pulled just before the finale by our Artistic Director, Jack Louiso.

During that scene, Bob Herzog (as publicist and idea man Ted Tastic) gave a pre-show speech mostly comprised of shout-outs to our sponsors, ad libs, and spoofs of Jack's pre-show speeches. Jack is of course well-known for saying before every TCTC performance:

"Children, let's use these--" he points to his ears "--not this--" he points to his mouth. "These, not this. Please don't whoop and holler. This is not a circus or a sporting event. This is the theatre. Your neighbors didn't come to hear you talk, they came to hear us talk. If you want to come up here with us, you can come to our auditions in August."

What Bob added to the end of that speech every time he parodied it was, "You know what? Forget about that. Go crazy everyone, enjoy the show!"

The prank: Jack waited just behind the curtain while Bob did the talk. Jack was dressed in the costume of yours truly, a black tux with red bow tie and silver sequin vest. And when Bob got to the line about using these but not this, Jack came out of the curtain, right behind Bob, who continued talking for a good half-minute before realizing he had a visitor. The cast watched on the backstage monitors as Bob saw Jack and stopped talking, frozen in shock. We could only imagine what was going through Bob's mind, but we can say for sure that the effect--not to mention the look on Bob's face--was priceless.


That's a little bit of feel-good holiday fun from The Children's Theatre. With our holiday party coming up this weekend, we're all gearing up for even more fun times, soon to come.

Happy holidays, everyone!

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